At the invisible front
Commemorating the 25th anniversary of the fall of the Berlin Wall, this project started as a two-week short project in cooperation with English exchange students.
With the resulting flared up enthusiasm to sniff in well-kept secrets, me and my fellow student Robert Büttner made this project to our semester task. Our results we documented interactively for a target group of people aged between 16 and 30.
All of the following Visuals and prototypes are exclusively made by myself, unless indicated to the contrary.
Lean Back and Forward
Contrary to a documentary, as we know it from television, a web documentation consists of just 20 minutes main film, the lean-back.
This is complemented by a lean-forward which holds further information in the form of articles, places, physical description, uncut footage, photos and discussion.
To tune the users on the topic, we give him a brief introduction. This begins with a notice to the user interface.
Overview and Search
The overview is part of the lean forward. Here the user has the ability to pause the film and have a look at chapters, articles and its links, as well as persons or places that were mentioned in the documentary.
If there is more information available to a certain topic in the film the user becomes indicated by a little flag. If he hovers the timeline with the cursor all flags for additional material pop up.
At the end of each article the user is able to open a discussion or to visit linked articles with a similar or even opponend point of view.
Content Management System
To make it easier filling up the prototype with content the website got connected to the WordPress Software which also has been enhanced by custom input fields.