Sketch Auto Translate

Buy now

  1. No API key needed. 
    Just install and use. No sign-up, no nothing.
  2. No recurring costs. 
    You’ll get a plugin which you can use as long as you like.

License Agreement

Use the plugin as long as you like. Your license will not expire at any time. The license is only valid for the number of users selected.


I always strive to maintain the functionality of the plugin. Due to the third parties Google and Bohemian Coding, I cannot not guarantee lifetime functioning of the plugin. With the purchase of the license, no claim to a permanent function of the plug-in "Sketch Auto Translate Pro" is acquired.

Revocation from purchase

Except from subsequent conditions revocation is excluded according to § 312g Abs. 4 Nr. 1 BGB

You can revoke your purchase and get your money back in case:

  • the language translation stops working without your own fault within 3 month after your purchase.
  • you think there is a plausible reason for it. In this case, please contact me at

      Translate Selection

      Translates your selection on the current page no matter which type, apart from Symbols.

      Shortcut:   X Translate Selection

      Screen Recording 'Translate Selection'

      Translate Current Page

      Translates all Text Layers and Symbol Overrides on Artboards in your current Page but skips them out if placed outside.

      Shortcut:   P Translate Current Page

      Screen Recording 'Translate Current Page'

      Translate Entire Document

      Translates all Text Layers and Symbol Overrides in the file that are on Artboards but skips them if placed inside a Symbol or outside an Artboard. I made this decision to avoid messing with the file structure.

      Shortcut:   D Translate Entire Document

      Screen Recording 'Translate Entire Document'